Announcement: Paralism Swap Cross-Chain Bridge is now alive, fully connecting the Paralism and Ethereum ecosystems!

In order to improve the user experience within Paralism ecosystem and enhance interactions with other ecosystems, the Paralism team has made continuous efforts, and now the Paralism Swap Cross-Chain Bridge is officially open to the public!

Holders of USDT and EPARA on the Ethereum can now swap them to PRC20 USDT and the gas token PARA within the PARALISM system through this cross-chain bridge. This will make it more convenient to buy NFTs on the Wuyou NFT marketplace or build their own WEB3 communities on the Paralism Web3 community tool, DAOGram.

For users holding PARA, they can also swap it to EPARA through the cross-chain bridge and trade it on Uniswap.

Furthermore, users who have PRC20 USDT on DAOGram can swap it back to ERC20 USDT at any time.

The opening of SWAP signifies the complete integration of the Paralism and Ethereum ecosystems, providing users with more opportunities for cross-chain interactions.

If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to contact our customer service team.

Thank you for your support of Paralism!

Paralism Team

August, 2023

Note: To ensure the security of user assets, KYC-verified users can enjoy a higher Paralism Swap limit. The KYC verification process consists of two stages: 1) KYC1: Email verification, 2) KYC2: Identity document verification.