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  3. Paralism Node RPC Interface
  4. RPC access interface

RPC access interface

The Paralism node provides a JASON-RPC interface for accessing basic node operations and built-in application services. Applications can access the node through HTTP requests, and implement programmatic interactions and calls to the node’s basic functions and built-in application services according to the JSON-RPC protocol.

The Paralism node starts the JSON-RPC service by default, with built-in application service modules and access ports as follows:

  1. Digital currency Coin, default port is 8118
  2. Token, default port is 8119

When the Paralism node software hc starts, the following parameters can also be used to specify the custom RPC service port for the built-in application service:

Token: – rpleaderport=XXXXX

Coin: – rpcparaport=XXXXX

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