Notice of Exchange between PARA coin and E-PARA token

We are happy to announce that Paralism Foundation will provide exchange service between E-PARA and PARA for early joined miners today, then anyone who hold PARA coins can exchange to E-PARA. Please follow below process if you would like to do the exchange:

  1. Prepare an valid Ethereum address for receiving E-PARA.
  2. Send exchange request to Please specify information about
    a) The Ethereum address for receiving E-PARA.
    b) The amount of E-PARA you would like to exchange
    c) Specify if your address has a higher priority (see below)
  3. follow the steps in reply email from Paralism Foundation to process the exchange.

The priority of address to be processed

  • Address with PARA coins mined before Jan 14th 2021, in the first year of Paralism testnet mining program (before Hyper Block Id: 193345, ParaCoin Block: 1219444) .
  • Coinbase address which has never been transferred to other address.
  • If the process queue did not contain any higher priority address, other address’ request would be processed

You may allow to cancel the exchange at any time when the transaction are not finished, the rest PARA coin will be returned to original address.

During the exchange, Paralism Foundation would charge fee for compensate Ethereum network transaction fee, 10 PARA per transaction for now.

Paralism Foundation will keep the 1:1 exchange rate bewteen E-PARA and PARA. E-PARA can be freely trading on global DeFi platform on 25th May,2021.