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  3. Guidelines for Paralism Node CLI Operation
  4. Node installation, configuration, and startup

Node installation, configuration, and startup


Visit the official website of the Paralism community https://www.paralism.com/ Obtain the latest version of the software on the node download page. Choose the corresponding software version based on your operating system. The downloaded software may be an executable file of Windows’. exe or a Linux installation file of. rpm, which may be compressed into a. zip file.

The. exe file can be directly installed under Windows. If your installation files were downloaded from other websites, please be sure to verify whether the software signature information is the official signature of Paralism.com or Hyperchain.net during execution.

Under Linux, use a terminal to enter the installation file storage directory and execute rpm – ivh parallelism_ Xxx.rpm executes the installation.

The following will use the Windows version of the Paralism node operation interface as an example to introduce common node operations.

Configuration and startup

Node running parameter settings

Enter the CMD command line or Powershell terminal, enter [Disk]: [Paralism installation directory] bin , and create a. cfg configuration file, such as formal.cfg. The common configuration parameters are as follows:

  • Me=127.0.1:2000 # Local IP Address and Port
  • Seedserver= # Paralism Public Network Boot Node 1
  • Seedserver= # Paralism Public Network Boot Node 2
  • With=ledger # Load the general ledger application module
  • With=paracoin # Load the digital currency application module
  • Rpcpassword=a # Set rpc port access password
  • Model=information # Set the network type of node access, where information is the test network and sandbox is the sandbox network.
  • Rpcallowip=*. *. *. * # Set the whitelist for rpc calls
  • Disablesafemode=# Set to disable safe mode
  • Gen=# Set whether to run mining
  • Restport=8999 # Set the Restful interface service port number of the node
  • Datadir=E: ParalismNode hc data # Set the directory for storing node data

The me field specifies the node IP and access port. If it is a node within a local area network, the default specified localhost address does not need to be modified. If the node network card is configured with a public IP address, in order to maximize mining efficiency, it is necessary to set the node IP to the corresponding public IP and accessible port.

The seedserver field specifies the boot node required for the node to join the network and synchronize data. It needs to be used in conjunction with the model field, and the configuration reference is as follows.

SeedseverModelNotes informal network boot node informal network boot node sandbox network boot node sandbox network boot node

Note: When users self-organize a private chain network, two initial nodes are configured and each other is set as the guiding node to achieve private chain deployment.

The with field specifies the loaded application module. At present, the default built-in application module includes the general distributed ledger ledger that can run without mining and the Cryptocurrency paracoin module that can run with mining. Developers can load the required modules as needed. The Paracoin module defaults to loading and running Paralism basic fuel currency Para.

Datadir sets the directory for storing node data, which defaults to hc data. The directory contains block information of Cryptocurrency or ledger, module configuration file, node user wallet file and node operation log.

Note: It is recommended to store the data in the directory hc when installing node software_ The data and node program directory are stored separately, and the data is regularly backed up to avoid blockchain data loss or wallet data loss caused by program upgrades or system software and hardware failures.



After completing the custom configuration file, enter the hc. exe – conf=formal. cfg command at the terminal command prompt to start the node according to the settings. The node process will start with a new terminal window, and when the terminal displays the “hc $” prompt, it indicates that the node software has successfully started and entered the response terminal input command state.

To learn about the commands supported by the current node version, enter the help command.

Enter command i to learn about the node code ID and data storage directory of the mining machine.

Note: Closing the terminal window during node operation will cause the node program to exit

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